palate n. 1.【解剖学】腭。 2.【植物;植物学】下唇瓣。 3.味觉;嗜好;〔比喻〕审美眼光,鉴赏力,判断。 a cleft palate 豁嘴,缺唇。 a false palate (实验语音学中用以调整舌腭接触部分的)人工腭。 have a delicate palate 爱考究,挑剔。 nice to palate 好吃。 suit sb.'s palate 合口味。 top of the palate 【解剖学】悬壅垂(=uvula)。
For an orthodontic case with the discrepancy of the discoordination between the length of palate bone and tooth size or for a case with skeletal discrepancy of the unsymmetry upper and lower jaw in their size and position , the most common treatment is to extract the upper ahd lower first or the second premolar 摘要一般矫正治疗,对于齿槽骨和牙齿大小长度总和的不调和或上下颚骨骨骼性大小、位置不对称,其处置原则通常都以上下颚第一小臼齿或第二小臼齿等4齿做为拔除对象来进行矫正治疗。